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President Greeting
Introduce ECCO Brand name
ECCO, the main brand of ECCO Watch Corp, is a compound word formed from two other words : Echolism and Combine.

We chose Echolism as a new way of loving nature by returning to fundamentals and by trying to exist together with the natural events of life. We chose Combine because the word has immense meanings and overtones in word such as combination, union and cooperation.

Accordingly ECCO represents something fundamentally true and reliable that works in cooperation with you. The ECCO brand is fully compatible with the basic business goals of the ECCO Watch Corp in terms of our intention to create and leave a rich clean legacy to future generations. We are in cooperation with the laws of nature and in harmony with everlasting relationship between humans and their environment.
ECCO is specialized high-purity Ziroconia Ceramics (ZrO2), which are of superior strength and hardness, emissive of infrared rays and lower in thermal conductivity than metal. The material is also stable, lighter than metal, worldwide thanks to consistent R&D by ECCO is developing long-lasting, advanced materials in various colors and superior quality.

The result is a collection that is full of life and appeal, yet never extravagant or showy : ECCO is for people of refined taste and definitive lifestyles
ECCO Watch Co., Ltd. & ECCO Industrial Company
Tae Shik, Hyun
TEL : (86) 755 2150 6520 | FAX : (86) 755 2150 6530 | Email :
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